The Filipino Community Centre is excited to announce that the building is once again open! To protect the health and safety of our guests, we are continually following provincial guidelines and encourage you to visit our website for updates.
Thank you for patience and we look forward to seeing you at our centre!
Welcome to the FCC website!
To serve as focal point for the promotion of a deeper appreciation of Filipino heritage and culture, within the context of Canadian society, through education, direct program implementation and solidarity work.
Camilo Santos
President of the FCC
The Filipino Community Centre, Inc (Windsor/Essex County) is a non-profit organization with a diverse membership, united by a common appreciation for Filipino heritage and culture as well as a shared commitment to the enrichment of Canadian society.
We envision a multi-purpose facility that enhances the capability of the Filipino Community Centre Inc. to fulfill its mission. We seek to provide a comprehensive range of programs and activities and strengthen our awareness of Filipino heritage and culture, facilities and adjustment of local Filipino residents to Canadian society, enhances their potential for leadership roles in the broader community, promotes solidarity among Filipinos and Canadians of Filipino heritage in Windsor and Essex County, and deepens our understanding of social issues.
We envision a service operation that applies sound principles of financial management, organization administration, program development and volunteerism.
We commit ourselves to the principles of teamwork among ourselves, and to meaningful partnerships with other organizations, community groups, and government bodies in areas relevant to our mission and vision.
To facilitate the realization of our mission and vision, the Filipino Community Centre, Inc. seeks to: Reflect the aspirations, ideas, and ideals of Filipino residents in Windsor and Essex County in all its work;
Support Filipino groups, organizations, and individuals in their work on information exchange, community education, advocacy, organizational and resource development, leadership training, as well as program planning, implementation and evaluation;
Makes it's presence visible and respected in every relevant forum;
And ensure that all its operations - administration, programs, and services - are carried out in a proactive, cost-efficient, effective, sustainable, open and accountable manner.
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Mondays & Tuesdays
935 Northwood Street
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9E 1A2​
​Phone: 519-966-8661